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Elimination of wood bark von lomarraco (66)

Elimination of wood bark von lomarraco (66)
Dekorationsbild aus dem Einrichtungsbeispiel 'Two forests'
Roots collected in the forest
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Elimination of wood bark
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Compact RO unit To grow brine shrimp: a glass tube with a diffuser connected to an air compressor and dilution of common salt in water Test: pH, kH, gH, O2, Fe, NO2, No3, PO4 and K Salts: potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate and potassium monophosphate Fertilizers: Ferropol, Touromin Medicacion: Bacter stop (Api), Mycosis stop (Api), Exit 2000, eritromicina, metrodinazol Oxidants: Hydrogen peroxide, methylene blue, malachite green and potassium permanganate
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